JMF Audio
JMF Audio builds top-class high-end components. These include the best network filter systems and phono stages in the world.
JMF Audio
With the premium French brand JMF Audio, we offer you technically and musically outstanding components. In 1985, Jean-Marie Fusilier began developing and producing components that were primarily intended to reproduce every detail of the music extremely precisely. This does not mean the often described “counting peas”, but rather about presenting the whole thing, in the flow (timing) of the music. At JMF Audio, as we also see at Subbase Audio, they believe that you can only experience music if all components come together in the right timing and are thus experienced. This is easier described than done, because technical measurements can only be used as guidelines to show whether the path is right. Hearing — or the brain — determines the accuracy of what you hear. The right direction can only be pursued with a great deal of know-how and experience. Otherwise, you quickly get into a taste orientation and you absolutely don't follow that with JMF Audio.
Since the two sons Arnaud and Laurent joined the company in the early 2000s, a lot has developed. JMFaudio can be found in renowned studios as well as in the best audio systems in the world.
All high-end audio components are handmade, with quality as far as the eye can see. From the gold-plated conductors on the circuit boards to housings that are made like bulwarks.
The power supply comes before all other components of an audio system. And here too, JMF Audio has gone its own way with its self-developed filter systems. At Subbase, we generally don't like filter components, as they always do too much or too little of what's still good for the music.
However, our experience with JMF Audio filters (PCD-102 and PCD-302) shows that filter performance depends very much on the degree of electricity contamination. This means that intervention in the power supply is done with tact.
Here we experience a fine clarification of the sound image, due to the complete loss of noise. With the PCD-102 and PCD-302, our customers who use photovoltaics are once again able to enjoy perfect music. Other filter systems have had no weak or negative effects compared to photovoltaic faults. Only the JMF filter was able to reconstruct the sound image better than it was before the use of photovoltaics. That is a huge achievement.
For a personal demonstration, please contact us with confidence.
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