A.H., Echo LS, Composant, Ebony
I discovered the company Subbase Audio through various research on the subject of bases for loudspeakers and hi-fi devices.
When I had studied the site in more detail and sparked my interest, I simply called Mr. Schlipper. This initial conversation made me even more curious, as Mr. Schlipper was able to explain the effect of his bases very competently, calmly and plausibly.
Now I have to do something about it. My speaker combination is very unusual and consists of pure studio boxes. As there are two Sub 12s and placed on them two S4A. All Adam active boxes. Behind it, a Musical Fidelity Primo preamp and as sources an Accuphase DP 78 CD player, Transrotor Avorio with Dr. Fuss motor control and VPS with extra power supply from Musical Fidelity as a phono amplifier and as a DVD player a Marantz UD 8004 Blue Ray Player, plus an In-Akustik AC 2016 power supply.
That's why I pulled out so that you can see that there is no “baby” system here and that sounds damn good. From small changes such as the power supply, replacing the fuses in the boxes — also a tip from Mr. Schlipper, by the way — to the Supreme³ from HiFi Tuning, or closing all open connections to the amplifier, CD player and DVD player with appropriate caps, I noticed that there is still a lot to improve in the system. Not voodoo but really audible for everyone, as my girlfriend also confirmed to me every step of the way, who doesn't have as trained an ear as I have been involved with music professionally for 30 years. So I needed 4 bases. Two for the bottom and two as “intermediate bases” to separate the sub from the upper monitors.
Of course, that makes things pretty expensive and needs to be carefully considered. For the money, other people buy whole (and not even bad) hi-fi systems. Think about it for a few days and then order. Since I had now ordered 4 bases, there was a two-part delivery, especially as Christmas was just around the corner. The first delivery was the two “intermediate bases”. So set it up and 3 more Ebony LS in between. First impression? These things look really good! Attachment to and? The effect was immediate. The space has become larger, both in width and depth. The music sounded warmer, more natural, more analog. No more annoying frequencies. In one word: musical. No matter which CD, disk, DVD I put on, it always had the same effect.
Unfortunately, I had to sit on coals for another 3 weeks and wait for the lower bases. Last week Saturday finally! First weigh 27 kg twice to the 3rd floor. When I had placed the bases under the sub and looked at the result, I realized that my “Darth Vader” boxes, as my girlfriend always affectionately referred to them, had become really chic “pieces of furniture.” And the sound? I was very skeptical because the effect of the first bases was already so huge, I couldn't imagine that much was really happening there. Far from it! The effect blew me away once again. I no longer have any speakers but a completely natural-sounding stage opens up in front of me. The location of the instruments on stage became even clearer. The music sounds the way it should sound. When I hear a single singer playing acoustic guitar, he sits in front of me and plays. Mrs. Mutter plays her violin solo right in front of me on stage. Sounds never heard before became audible. And everything is always warm, of course. When it's supposed to rip, it crashes without perforating your eardrums, when it's supposed to be wonderfully nice floating, when the bass comes around it, it sounds like I've only heard it before when recording directly in the studio: powerful and yet never booming. In general, there is no longer any “drone effect” at low altitudes. That was completely different before, depending on the recording. Now it doesn't matter whether I listen to classical music, jazz, pop, metal, rock, singer/songwriter, blues or world music, female or male vocals or choir — and I listen to it all — everything sounds natural, calm and therefore even more stimulating.
I can only say: I haven't regretted a single cent I spent. Before I picked up the bases, I was thinking about maybe getting a few new boxes. The topic is off the table! Definitely! I loved my system and the music that comes from it even more than I had before and everything only because of 4 platforms that I placed underneath or in between. Sounds unbelievable but it's true.
Kind regards,
A. H. from Berlin