Refine system cabling
I like to enjoy live music in concerts with different musicians from jazz, blues to classical music. That's why it was a big concern for me to be able to play music at home alive and emotionally gripping. With very selected components, my music system was geared towards this goal. However, a decisive step was still missing, and the comprehensive satisfaction simply did not want to be met. In order to get on with musicality, I have decided to optimize the power wiring and the interconnect cables.I had cables from various well-known manufacturers to test with me and clearly found that even power cables have an influence on the sound. Through a recommendation I was made aware of Refine Kabel and got to know Thomas Schlipper. He provided me with power and interconnect cables to listen to the extensive rehearsal. From the very first moment It was clear to me: the Refine Cables bring so much more musical information than I had never heard before. This is truly unique. The timing was perfect, the timbres stunning and the spatial representation great. I just listened with joy to music and the evening after evening. Then the dismantling came on the old cables, because I had to send the test cables back. This made it clear to me what was gained in musicality through the Refine cables and that I could not be satisfied with less.For some time now, the whole system has been equipped with Refine cables, from power cables to interconnect to loudspeakers. Even the Refine LAN Cable to the Streamer brings a very audible improvement. I also used the Composant CF device feet, with more calm in the soundscape. The increase in sound through the refine cables has taken my system to a new dimension. I enjoyed the music relaxed and full of joy and never felt that something would be missing in the playback.Although I am totally satisfied, I can imagine trying out the Composant S device bases in a further step, because I sometimes have the confidence that every product of Subbase Audio brings added value to the sound. Andreas A.